Straight-forward, full-body adjustment targeted around you area of complaint.
10 minutes
Book nowAdjustment (Extended Time)
The same great full-spine adjustment with a little extra time for complicated cases.
20 minutes
Book nowNew Patient Exam and Adjustment
Detailed exam and history followed by subsequent adjustment and treatment.
60 minutes
Book nowExisting Patient Exam and Adjustment
Detailed exam and adjustment for patients who have been seen by either of the doctors at their previous locations.
40 minutes
Book nowConsultation
20 minute appointment with a doctor to answer any questions or concerns you might have about a health related field or topic. No care received during this time.
20 minutes
Book nowComplimentary Consultation
No-charge, quick Q&A to see answer questions or see if we can help you.
10 minutes
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Red Light Therapy
Red and Near Infrared light Therapy for weight loss, body contouring and healing.
40 minutes
Book now